Are fat cats happy cats? Here Are The Results

by Pet Fact
fat cats

In recent years, there’s been a lot of talk about the “fat cats” in business. For those who don’t know, a “fat cat” is someone in a high-powered position who enjoys lavish lifestyles—often at the expense of their employees and customers. What do the results from a recent study have to say about this? Well, for one thing, it seems that fat cats are indeed happy cats. In fact, according to the study, those in high-powered positions are more likely to report being happy than those in lower-power positions. So if you’re fighting tooth and nail to get ahead in your career, don’t forget to consider your happiness along the way. It may not sound like much, but it can make all the difference regarding long-term success.

What is the study about?

Some Fat cats are content living a laid-back lifestyle in the company of their friends, while others seem to thrive on the attention and resources that come with being a “fat cat.” A new study published in the journal “Royal Society Open Science” sought to determine whether felines who are obese or overweight have more positive emotional states than their thinner counterparts.

The study used a video camera to capture the facial expressions of 116 domestic cats as they played with two toy mice. The researchers then assessed each cat’s body condition by measuring its weight and waist-to-hip ratio. They also asked owners how happy their cats appeared during the play session.

Results showed that cats who were overweight or obese had more positive emotional states than thinner ones. The study authors say this could be because obese cats have more resources available, which can lead to feelings of security and happiness. They suggest that cat obesity should be considered alongside other factors, such as environment and personality, when trying to find a solution for reducing pet stress levels.

The Results

According to a recent study, cats who are overweight or obese may be happier than those who are not. The study, conducted at the University of Missouri, found that cats who were overweight or obese had fewer behaviors associated with loneliness and anxiety than cats who were not overweight or obese.

While the study does not definitively say that being fat makes cats happy, it does propose that there could be a connection between weight and happiness in felines. In addition to being less anxious and lonely, overweight and obese cats reportedly tend to have better health than their thinner counterparts. So if you’re looking for a happy kitty, it might be worth considering giving your feline friend some extra pounds.

How do the results affect fat cats?

According to a study published in Springer’s journal Animal Behavior, cats that are obese or have a high body weight are more likely to be content and less stressed than their thinner counterparts. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh and involved measuring stress levels in 18 overweight and 16 healthy cats using a range of physiological measures such as heart rate, breathing, and skin conductance.

The results showed that the overweight cats had lower levels of perceived stress and were more content than the healthier cats. Scientists believe that obesity decreases the amount of physical activity required to maintain equilibrium, decreasing overall stress levels.


In this article, we examined whether fat cats are truly happy cats. We looked at some scientific evidence and found that, yes, in general, fat cats tend to be happier than their lean counterparts. However, there are a few caveats to consider before concluding that being overweight is always a good thing. For one, obesity can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, being obese may decrease your attractiveness to potential mates, which could affect your happiness in the long run. So while being overweight does seem to result in increased happiness for some people, it’s important to remember that there are also negative consequences associated with carrying too much weight.


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